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The following tests were conducted Nova jackpot order Besst provide information about the communication reliability and stability of the system. The table 3 presents costs of the components involved in the development of the prototype. The estimated components cost is aroundColombian pesos for prototype andColombian pesos for low mass production.
Nowadays, security systems is one of the most common accessories installed in vehicles. According to [17] in the yearnew cars andmotorcycles vehicles were registered in Colombia. Most of them have installed the factory security systems. The main governmental strategy against vehicle robbery is xasino growth of police departments.
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Despite of this, in the last 6 years the amount of stolen vehicles has shown an uptrend. This facts exalt the importance of any technological approach that may contribute to solve this problem. The table 4 internst a comparative analysis between the developed device and the most relevant available products in domestic market where communication compatibility, autonomy and relative cost Ranuras 1win espejo taking into account.

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