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No exaggeration. They performed many of their most popular classics such as "Fix you" and "The Scientist" and pretty much all of my favourites "Charlie Brown" and "Every Teardrop is a Waterfall" including new Best online casino new jersey from their latest album, Best online casino new jersey Stories. The atmosphere was incredible; I've never experienced anything like onlne in comparison. You just had to be there! Coldplay had you dancing jerseyy of your seats for their upbeat tracks such as "Sky Full Of Stars" and hearing their more mellow tracks like "True Love" was just simply beautiful and enchanting.

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Prepare to be blown away! This was my second time seeing Coldplay, and both times were amazing. The Xylobands were a hit again, really making a spectacular light show along with various Best online casino new jersey effects, and colourful balloons being released into the crowd. The whole audience was just so full of energy thanks to the jesey performance.

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There is little in this world that compares to a Coldplay concert. Exhilarating, energetic and euphoric are just some of the words that can be used to describe what one experiences when Chris Martin and band take Best casino casino lottery online the stage.

One of my most memorable concert experiences ever, when Coldplay played the Emirates Stadium back init was simply astounding.

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Hearing 60, people sing word for word hit singles such as Paradise, Fix You and Princess of China made the hairs on my arms stand on end, so one can only imagine how this must feel for the band. Their track record speaks for itself. The reason behind this success becomes clear at a live show.

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An album so super charged with power pop it was considered a substitute to red bull, the band quickly substituted the tender subtleties of 'Shivers' for the brass tones of 'Charlie Brown' and 'Hurts Like Heaven'.

These new tracks are undoubtedly cawino yet Casino demo visual displays and complexing stage layouts slightly detract from the musicianship of the quartet.

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Whilst performing the more downtempo and emotive tracks from break up album 'Ghost Stories' Chris Martin's vocal sounds notably weak during 'Magic' and all of the pyro-techniques and visuals cannot hide this. They recover with some classics including 'The Scientist' which is sang back in force by the crowds and the flawless 'Every Teardrop is A Waterfall' closes the main set in a suitably euphoric manner. It leaves the audiences wondering if 'Mylo Xyloto' was a particular career pinnacle for the Best online casino new jersey.

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Chris Martin is an awesome guy and so are the rest of the band. May their personal lives be as awesome as their professional lives, they deserve that too. Long live Coldplay, may you continue to bring joy to you fans worldwide. Looking forward to another Coldplay concert experience in the future.

I've Tesoro de java some legends. Coldplay blew them ALL away by far, and I even had crappy seats. I see them again in Philly in August, and I'm counting down the days!

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The show lasted just over two hours, but it felt like it had just started. Chris Martin may very well be the greatest front man of all time. Todos los derechos reservados. Vista previa de App Store.

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I had the pleasure of seeing him in concert in n. Chayanne is amazing!! He was spectacular. Charming and what a performer!! Can't wait for him to come back to Madison square garden again jerdey I will definitely be there too! Love you Chayanne God bless you always!!

One of my favorite latin singers.