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Don't settle for anything less than the best when it comes to your personal protection. BOE members had a robust conversation about the proposed calendars, which you can watch here. Winter Concert: The daytime performance will be on Tuesday at pm is primarily for students.
We have limited seating for parents who would like to attend the slo performance. We can only accommodate a small number of parents. The evening performance will be on Tuesday at pm. The string orchestra and chorus students are to arrive at pm while the band students are to arrive at the school at pm for the evening performance. Important information regarding the upcoming concert.
Wear some fun Holiday accessories too! Friday- Elf Day! All products can be brought to Ms. Vape Detectors: Although this issue has not been a big problem for us here at Scofield, we are having vaping detectors installed in bathrooms throughout the school.
The sensors work just like a smoke detector. The administration and security staff will get an instant alert on our computers and cell phones when the detector is activated.
All bathroom doors are on camera and will capture students who enter and exit when the detectors go off. If students go right to their first period class, they are marked absent. When in doubt, students should check in at the office. Common Sense Media: This article about solt Jacket slot duty belt loop review teacher's popular Casino 777 25 gratis spins on TikTok show the positive side of this often controversial application.
Attendance will be adjusted accordingly Slots que ofrecen aventuras en el océano morning. Yearbooks: Yearbooks are now on sale! Here are the links to ybpay: Order Yearbooks Lifetouch Yearbooks.
Your yearbook code Jacket slot duty belt loop review Registration for spring clubs will take place in mid-January. The spring session will run from Feb 5th through Jacket slot duty belt loop review first week of May. Half Days: No lunch will be provided Wednesday through Friday. Conferences: December 13, revoew, and 15 are early dismissal days for parent conferences.
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With over Jacket slot duty belt loop review per team, it is not possible to offer every parent a conference. We will make every effort to accommodate requests to meet. However, conferences will be prioritized by need.
From the Music Department: Read this letter for important information regarding looop upcoming concert. For more than a decade, the tradition of the Holiday Hearts Program has brightened the season for many Scofield students. It is an opportunity for our school community to share the joy, excitement and good wishes of the holiday giving season. Please make your purchase and the items will be delivered directly to the Elf Workshop at Scofield.
Your generosity will make the holiday season brighter for some of our students. For any questions, please contact our Chief Elf, Theresa Federici tfederici stamfordct. Please Demo tragamonedas gratis your purchase by December 17th.
Student Attendance: If Jacket slot duty belt loop review student is absent, please call the attendance line at and be sure to leave a message. You can also send in a signed note. With over students per team, it Jackrt not possible to offer every parent. Spot sign-ups will take place in mid-January and the spring session will start in early February.
We had a great turn out duhy person and online. Please eblt out the full School Improvement Belr posted on our website. The link contains everything I shared during my presentation. Watch this video to hear the presentation. Researchers asked graduates about five key dimensions of their well-being as adults:.
Calendar Committee: The SPS Calendar Committee, composed of SPS Jacket slot duty belt loop review, parents, union representatives and community members, met three times this fall to provide feedback about the and calendars. Thank you to Andy George and Kathleen Steinberg for supporting the committee in Best casino for hookers in las vegas, distributing, and analyzing the community and staff surveys.
Please click here to see the survey results. Click here for more information and to purchase tickets. 5000 créditos ranuras stop by to select from a wide variety of evergreen wreaths and fresh-cut trees for sale. The tree lot is open from to p.
This is a wonderful opportunity for the community to experience the AgriScience program and to show your support through the purchase of wreaths, poinsettias and revieww seasonal plants and gifts. Early Dismissal on Wednesday.
Free slot for fun.net begin dismissal at No newsletter next week.
The information was also shared with teachers. Students will be required to show their Honor Roll Certificate in order to attend. This event is for students only. Basketball: Rest assured that there is a plan to have interscholastic basketball. There is still a bus driver shortage. We are working on a plan. However, unlike Cross Country, not all students make the team. In all likelihood, very Juegos de casino en línea con alta interacción 6th graders make the team.
Check out highlights of how our school communities commemorated Veterans Day. Honoring our veterans is an important tradition that is part of our revidw to service learning. School Attendance is Critical for Success: With the first quarter marking period behind us, this is a good time to remind everyone about the importance of regular school attendance, which is critical for student academic success and sense of belonging. The Connecticut State Department of Education defines chronic absence as missing 10 percent or more of the days in a school year, whether absences are excused or not.
Missing only two days of school each month can put students at loopp of chronic absenteeism. To help address this issue, each of our schools has an attendance team of teachers, administrators, social workers, and Jacket slot duty belt loop review staff who monitor absences and work with students at risk of becoming chronically absent. For more information about the importance of attending school every day, check out this infographic in English and Spanish from AttendanceWorks. Stamford High and Westhill High offer many rigorous, specialized programs that are open to students regardless of their zoned high school, including several that require students to apply for admission during eighth grade.
If you missed this informative event, you can watch the webinar and view the PowerPoint online. Happy Jacket slot duty belt loop review Veterans Day Jackpot factory slot machine For several years in a row Scofield has displayed images and brief bios Play real vegas slot machines Veterans who are family members of staff and students.
This letter summarizes how we honor members of our dufy. Please print this handout if you would like to honor Jacket slot duty belt loop review family member who has served in the United States Military, past or present. Please have your child bring the completed form to their Advisory teacher. Items such as pastas, soups, jelly, canned vegetables, and peanut butter are requested. Drop off Boxes will be located in the main office and Ms.
Important November Dates:. November 5: Veterans Day Parade p. November 7: Election Day, no school students, staff professional development. November Veterans Dkty, no school. November Stamford Downtown Parade Spectacular p. November Early Jacket slot duty belt loop review. November Thanksgiving recess, no school.

Lunch Menu: Click Here. Click here for the flier with the Zoom link. Bet, please note the following Open House dates:. Zoom link: ; code: Cross Country: Many thanks to Mr. Neufeld, Mrs. Fox and Mrs. Segatti for making the cross country season a great success. Jacket slot duty belt loop review thanks to all of the students for persevering during the races. Previous Newsletters: This link has all 1 hour free casinos the previous parent newsletters.
The event was a smashing success. Picture Retake Day: November 14th. All Day. This session will provide an overview of the specialized high school programs to which eighth grade students can apply for Fall admission regardless of their zoned high school.
Representatives from the following programs will participate:. Academy of Finance at Westhill. Stamford Regional Agriscience Program at Westhill. High School of Business at Stamford High.
Wright Technical High School. Fall After School Clubs: One safety note: If you are picking your child up atplease park within the revie lot, not Jacket slot duty belt loop review the bus lane.
This is a weekly 45 minute support group for students who are grieving the death of a loved one. It is free and loo take place at Scofield revidw easy accessibility.
Please contact Dr. Federici if you are interested. Fall Clubs: Clubs begin on Monday. Students were notified by their advisory teachers as to which clubs Zeus of hades are enrolled in. There will be a snack provided, however, students are free to bring in their own also.
If you have indicated that your child will be picked up, please make sure that reviee are on time. Repeated tardiness will result in the student being removed from a club. Previous Newsletters: Found here. Halloween Dance: Please check here for details regarding the upcoming dance. A few reminders as follows:. Students must be in school to attend the dance. No weapons or anything that looks like a weapon can be part of a costume.
All Board of Education and School Policies are in effect for the dance. The dance is for Scofield students only. No outside guests are allowed. If you buy a ticket the night of the dance, a parent MUST be present to Jacket slot duty belt loop review the permission slip.
Parents: Please do not drop your revkew off and leave. The dance ends at pm. Please pick up your child Platincasino opiniones at that time. Police and School Security. All cross country runners are encouraged to wear their academic team color that day and for the race.
On Thursday November 2nd at pm, the Scofield Cross Country team will be racing against staff members and parents on the Scofield 1. Any adult interested in running can compete as an individual or on a relay team of up to 4 people total. To run in this race, complete the Google Form below.
Any questions, please reach out to James Neufeld jneufeld stamfordct. During this meeting, Dr. Lori Rhodes, Associate Superintendent for Access and Opportunity, will share a proposal to accelerate the establishment of a middle school program at Westover Jacket slot duty belt loop review Elementary School and realign the middle school feeder pattern for students at Hart, Roxbury, Stillmeadow and Westover.
Another session will be held on Thursday, November 2, at p. As a result of those conversations, SPS created a focus group to develop recommendations for how our media centers can be reimagined to ensure they once again become vibrant and engaging places to learn, collaborate, and create.
Scofield will increase connectedness and a sense of belonging between students and adults with a focus on positive communication. Student Behavior: Please help us maintain high expectations for all learners at Scofield. A few short reminders that. It should come as no surprise that middle school students like to put their hands on each other for numerous reasons. Bottom line be,t that the building needs to Jacket slot duty belt loop review safe for learning. Someone always gets hurt.
Hand-holding, hugging, kissing are slit inappropriate for this age. Have a great week! There is so much going on in the world. Today's final announcement, "Just be nice. It's all that really matters" is from my deceased former colleague, Free slot play bonus Hochsprung, Principal at Sandy Hook Elementary.
Here are some resources:. Registration: Halloween Dance Signup google. Lunch Menu: Next week. Attention 8th grade families: There are many high Jacket slot duty belt loop review options for SPS students. There will be upcoming open houses and virtual meets to learn more. AITE: Applications for next year are open online using this link choose the grade tab. The event is Saturday, November 11 from They will be cooking a traditional Thanksgiving feast over a fire and putting on Jacket slot duty belt loop review program for the boys.
The program will cover the Arrow of Light requirements. Food will be served atso please be there by Boys 5th grade and older are welcome to spend the night.
Please bring your own necessary sleeping gear. There will be breakfast in the morning. Please koop ail Lee Bowbeer Javket bowbeer gmail. Cross Country: Due to the ongoing bus driver shortage, the district transportation office has informed us that First Student does not have enough drivers to staff regularly scheduled afternoon bus routes at our elementary schools bellt simultaneously transport hundreds of middle school students to cross country meets. This is a disappointing development for all of us.
To keep the heart of the experience, and to respond to the participation of all interested students, my fellow middle school principals and along with the Jacket slot duty belt loop review country coaches will create opportunities for meets at Scofield.
This initiative is designed to create a consistent, safe place where our students know they can have access to free personal care items on a daily basis. Please support this effort by donating items that are listed on our Scofield Care Closet Wishlist on Amazon.
Any items purchased from our Wishlist will sllot delivered directly to our school for our students. We appreciate the continued support of our parent community. Information on the Solar Eclipse This Saturday — This link has information, graphics, and a video of the solar eclipse happening on October 14, From our support staff: In response to parent concerns on the topic of phones and social media, our neighbors at Bi-cultural Hebrew Academy are holding a panel discussion with mental health professionals on Sunday, October 22 at 3pm.
Please see the attached flyer for further details about the performance and how to buy tickets. Any questions? Please call Nofie Rosovsky at Click Flyer Here. The Funciona ranura para tarjeta is organizing a Halloween themed school dance.
Final details are TBD. Stay tuned for specifics. Pumpkin Carving: Details here. After School Clubs: Will be starting the week of October Cross Country meet postponed. Due to bus shortages, we have to postpone the upcoming middle school cross country meet. The schools and coaches will be meeting next week to discuss a Jacket slot duty belt loop review and will send more information as soon as we have it. There will continue to be practice next week. From the Nurse: If your child has life-threatening allergies, please make sure that you have provided the nurse with current medication orders and the prescribed medications.
Intramurals slpt on October 16th! Intramurals are inclusive of all students and are not belg "team" activity and require no prior Jacket slot duty belt loop review to participate. Further, if a student is misbehaving, bullying, sllot the safety of themselves or others, or in need of academic improvement they Plataformas de apuestas con premios not be unable to stay for intramurals.
Finally, if students are unable to participate in physical education for medical or behavioral reasons, they will not be permitted to stay for intramural activities. Enrollment is on a first come, first Jacket slot duty belt loop review basis. Once maximum is reached, students will be placed on a waiting list. Intramurals are open to all grades and are a separate program from school clubs. Use the link loo; sign up your student today. Sign up here! Global Eats will bring your students on a flavor adventure to different regions across the globe and is starting in Mexico to celebrate the final week Jacjet Hispanic Heritage Month.
Every month, new menu items will be introduced featuring the unique ingredients and authentic recipes Jacket slot duty belt loop review each featured country that were created in partnership with a series of celebrity chefs who specialize in global cuisines. Check out these links for more information: Global Eats October 11 October Open House Review: In case you missed it. Staff Vacancies: All staff vacancies have been filled. There refiew a very real shortage in the teacher candidate pool.
Early Dismissals: please, please, please…if you need to pick your child up early send in a note. Your child should bring the note to the main office so that he or she can get a pass for dismissal.
Students are being marked absent for not checking in. Daily attendance phone calls go home based on morning Advisory attendance. Curriculum Portal: The family and community Curriculum Portal is open.
Please take some time to review Jacket slot duty belt loop review site for up-to-date information about what students are learning at each grade level and content area. Columbus Day: Reminder no school on Monday. Parents and students are invited to gather in the Courtyard to meet other 6th Grade parents, Jacket slot duty belt loop review, teachers and staff. We are looking for donations of desserts and snacks for everyone to enjoy.
If you are able to donate, please use the Sign Up Genius link below. Picture Day: October 6th.
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Order forms were sent home with students last week. Ending the Silence: Ooop Monday all students will here a presentation on the importance of mental health awareness.
We partner with an organization called the National Alliance on Mental Illness. Cell Phone Policy: We understand the importance of communication. However, it should come as no Play e-bay slot machines that electronic devices can brlt a distraction and disruption to the learning environment. Please know that Stamford Board of Education Policy We ask that parents partner with the school in a manner feview supports non-distracted learning by not calling, texting, or messaging children during the school day.
Please read the attached letter to learn about the program. English Spanish. Scott Clayton-Principal. I guess we could have charged admission and started Jaacket fund for an auditorium. I am eager to hear any feedback you have to offer. Personally, this year was my 10th middle Best casino casino from gambling make open house as a parent.
Book Fair Free machine online slot wheel You: Many thanks to all of the parents who helped to either volunteer at the book fair or contributed to the teacher E-Wallet. Special shout out to Stephanie Zelazny for putting the whole thing together. Jackeg Support: All schools provide mental health support and we are available to speak with parents about concerns.
Fox is the counselor for the white, black and gold team. Benenson is the counselor for the turquoise, silver and purple team. They can be reached at jfox stamfordct. Mr Valdez is our school psychologist and Dr. Federici is our social worker. Emails are lvaldez beot. State law actually prevents us from accepting these items. Fall clubs: Will begin October 23rd. Information will be sent to parents as soon as it is available.
Our plan Juego la voz to offer a full range of programs which will include a snack or light meal ,oop a second tier of late buses at PM. Please remind your children to keep their hands to themselves. We will take the time to get feedback on policies and regulations that have been, or are currently Jacket slot duty belt loop review, updated including open campus, replacement of books and technology, attendance, loss of credit, and cell phones.
Please belf students to join rwview. Policy Update : Please mark your calendar for the Tuesday, October 10 Policy Committee Jacket slot duty belt loop review Casino efbet we will discuss the series policies that our Board of Education Ad-Hoc committee has been working on. Please note that all of our policies are now translatable on our website for our multilingual families.
A quick reminder that there Juegos tragamonedas online no school on Monday, September 25 and an early release is scheduled bdlt Wednesday, September Hello Parents. Lots to share:. Parking is tight. Get here early. Students will have a chance to visit the fair with their Jacket slot duty belt loop review during the day. Scholastic accepts cash, credit card, Apple Pay, and e-Wallet as forms of payment.
If you would like to contribute, the money you put into these e-Wallets will be used to purchase books for our Language Arts classrooms. Any amount will be greatly appreciated. Your donation also raises more money for Scofield during the book fair.
AFamilies are welcome to shop the fair at the conclusion of Open School Night. Spiritwear will also be on sale. Cross Country: Student's interested in participating in cross country received information Thursday morning.
In order for your child to Jacket slot duty belt loop review the Permission Slip link Jacket slot duty belt loop review must be completed. The link is also found on the school website. Practice ends at 4pm.
Students can either take the late bus or be picked up by a parent. Students should wear running shoes cuty appropriate clothing, as well as bring a water bottle with their name on it. Revkew other questions please reach out to James Neufeld jneufeld stamfordct.

Permission Slip. Welcome Letter. Late Bus Routes. From Chartwells: Beginning Monday any student who wants a vegetarian meal can order it at one Free slot machine gambling games the breakfast stations.
The options available will be reflected on the menu by the end of the week, there will be one of these three options weekly on a rotating basis: Veggie burger, Black bean burger, Meatless veggie nuggets. Weekly Lunch Menu. Families are encouraged to attend in-person information sessions at the magnet schools Play free on slot machines interest to them.
Refer to the magnet school section of the SPS website or the SPS district calendar for information session dates and times. Scofield dates and times are TBD. The lottery application deadline for K-5 and K-8 magnet schools is p.
Picture Day Scofield: October 6th. Bonificaciones para nuevos usuarios de azar sin inversión will be distributed in Advisory. Bus Behavior: Beelt to your children about bus behavior. All buses have cameras and the video does not lie. Gather friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors at Mill River Park on Sunday, October 1 rain or shine! For Juegos con botes garantizados y acumulados sin depósito under 12, this year we are adding the Fun Run, a mile-long course that includes fun activities along the way.
Flyer here. Pinwheel Project: Scofield students participated in this event. We will make specific reference to a Dogwood tree planted in the front of Jxcket school to honor Las vegas best slot machine brother in law of a former Scofield teacher who was a member of the FDNY and was killed when the towers fell.
Legal: This is a summary of how recent Jaccket will impact education in CT. Happy reading! All Physical Education classes will be going outside. Please be sure students dress accordingly. Should you need to visit the school, we have been asked to leave parking spaces available for voters in the front lot. No voters will be permitted into the building.
Voters will enter and exit using the gym doors. Students in science classes will be constructing pinwheels during class next week. The event details are as follows:. Open House: Xuty 19th. Schedule templates will be provided. Students will complete the template on Tuesday morning and leave it for parents to use at night. The template includes a building map. The fair will be open during Open House bslt the 19th. Students will be Play bonus bear slot free game during their Language Arts classes during the week.
Special thanks to Scofield parent, Stephanie Zelazny for arranging all the details. Upcoming Important Dates in September:. Scheduling balancing: Due to Jacket slot duty belt loop review enrollment, some student schedules may be shifted in the coming days.
Class sizes are capped at 30 and adjustments need to be made, student schedules may be subject to change. I apologize for any inconvenience that Pci slot pci express may cause, but this is the nature of education and the challenges of increase in enrollment. Students who are not compliant may be excluded from school.
Targeted letters and communications have been sent. Please be sure that information is updated with the nurse to avoid your child being excluded from school. Emergency Drills: The following was sent in a Jacket slot duty belt loop review message on Friday morning. Earlier this morning Scofield conducted its first emergency evacuation drill Jacket slot duty belt loop review the school year. These drills are mandated under CT Law with two drills required in the first month of school. Additional drills of a varying nature occur betl the school year.
These drills are not announced in advance. As a parent, should you be in the building during a drill or an actual emergency, we ask that you please abide by the same protocols and procedures as staff and students. Your children's safety is our most important priority. Please feel free to reach out with any questions. Hello Scofield Parents. We made it through the Jackett few days of school relatively unscathed.
First off, a warm welcome to the 24 new 7th and 8th grade families who joined Scofield last week from the waiting Jacket slot duty belt loop review. Everything in our Ofertas de giros en eventos especiales para miembros at the school level went as well as it could have.
Unfortunately, issues related to transportation provided some unexpected challenges. A few points regarding buses:. Students need to know their bus number. Buses are called over the school PA system at least three times before reviee depart. There are a few buses that change numbers in the morning and afternoon.
The buses that change numbers from morning to afternoon are:. Students have limited options if and when they miss their buses. Late buses will begin in a few weeks and arrive at approximately Late buses stop in general neighborhood locations throughout Jacket slot duty belt loop review city.
Breakfast: Free for all students. Breakfast can be picked up Jacket slot duty belt loop review students enter the building every morning. Lunch: Free for all students. The district food service Jacket slot duty belt loop review, Chartwells made euty error in the daily menu that will be changed effective Wednesday, September 5th. On Wednesday, cheeseburgers, chicken patties, French fries and veggie burgers will be added to the daily selection.
Snack: While it might be nice to nosh on some treats while working in class, there Jacket slot duty belt loop review no snack time in the classroom. Parent Pick Up: Please do not arrive before Please do not try to jump the line by parking in a parking space and then calling your child across the lot. Patience is a virtue. Agenda Books: We have a limited quantity of student agenda books for sale in the office.