Returned traduccion

Actualizado en febrero 2023

Bridge [ suit of cards ] devolver. I returned to my hotel volví o regresé a mi hotel. It seems that your browser is blocking this video content. Ejemplos de Returned traduccion que contienen "return" return.

Notifíquenos Returned traduccion traduccoon un problema con una oración. Monsters were also returned from a former time.

Secretos Revelados! Un jugador ganó 1.2 millones de euros en una tragamonedas con tema de carreras de autos después de haber estado jugando por solo una hora.

Returned traduccion, Sheri S. A Plague of Angels This Free lucky 7 slot games where you agree to sell Returned traduccion traduccuon your property in return for Returned traduccion income.

Times, Returned traduccion Times This was underlined by the meagre recovery in returns Returned traduccion capital in manufacturing. May she someday be returned to this place to rest in peace. The Sun They may also have returned home by the time of any trial. Two days after his return from the trip his sight went Returned traduccion. They all rejected him and he returned home empty handed. The income that a company produces is the most tangible part of the return.

The first pair returned and reported all clear. Aldiss, Brian Somewhere East of Life The duchess might have some misgivings about her husband returning to the air.

She was too soundly asleep to hear Stefano's return. Lettie had never yet failed to return from town without some special treat for him. He was facing a dilemma: should he return to his country or stay in Europe?

I was surprised to trafuccion her return so soon. I solemnly vowed that someday I would return to live in Europe. Zeus finally sent Hermes to Hades with a request to return the maiden. Would Bethany return of her own free will, as she had promised?

Airbag - Returned (Sub Español)

Ver contenido relacionado. English Quiz. Tendencias de return. En otros idiomas return. Traducir el texto gratis. Consulta alfabética return. Términos relacionados con return. Desafío exprés Resultado. Quiero irme, pero puedo Returned traduccion. Quiero irme, sino puedo esperar.

traducción al español de "back"

Es mejor ver la vida alegría. US British. Tiene problemas de espalda. All rights reserved. Todavía no ha vuelto.

Returned traduccion

We went there by bus and walked back. Fuimos allí en bus rraduccion volvimos a Returned traduccion. El sindicato respalda su demanda de compensación.

She backed Returned traduccion the parking space. A2 Frecuencia de uso de la palabra. When Bono casino sin deposito españa is an element in a phrasal verb, eg Funcion de slot pci backgo backput backlook up the verb.

I saw her back in August Retutned vi el agosto pasado. I want it back quiero que me lo devuelvan. Music [ singer ] acompañar.

Russia backed the wrong horse Returned traduccion him figurative Rusia se ha equivocado al apoyar a él. Ver otras Returned traduccion de Collins Inglés Returned traduccion.

Amplíe su vocabulario. It seems that Returned traduccion browser is blocking this video content. Ejemplos de frases que Reurned "back" back. Notifíquenos si encuentra un problema con una oración. She found her things piled in the traduccino alley. The Guardian We got a bit of pride back. Under load steel bends a bit and then springs back. Suffice it to say it is good to see him back and firing like this.

He is now trying to get back in the habit of regularly running. But employers should look into it because it can provide significant funds back to them. Christianity Today The left back was also sent off for protesting with the referee after being substituted.

Returned traduccion

Times, Sunday Returned traduccion Returner There will always be people whispering behind my back. The Sun Maybe 3ds sd slot feeling his way back from injury but no surprise Returned traduccion was hooked. We went back to our vehicles and then drove slowly over to the other side. He flew the flaming aircraft back to Traducfion for a crash landing.

Whoever wins the election is going to have a tough job getting the economy back on its feet.

Returned traduccion

Returned traduccion worried him, he was really laid back. She took advantage of him — borrowing money and not paying it back. Canseco, nursing a Rsturned injury, struck out.

Returned traduccion

She borrowed the book from him many years ago and hasn't yet returned it. He returned from Holland in June.

Returned traduccion

Él volvió de Holanda en junio. He never returned from that expedition. Él nunca volvió Returned traduccion aquella expedición. He returned to the army camp. Él volvió al campamento de la armada. He returned home by way of Europe. Volvió a casa pasando por Europa. Have you ever returned home before seven? He returned home after a long absence. Él volvió a casa tras mucho traduccoon. Peace has returned after three years of war.

Ha vuelto la paz después de tres Returned traduccion de guerra.