There is therefore no doubt that Spain is currently a fully democratic country. Moreover, its economy is doing well, with the exception of a traditionally high unemployment rate, which is gradually coming down. To air unfounded suspicions is irresponsible.
The problem is that the article uses the arguments of the opposition, the Popular Party PP and sould far-right Vox [Editor's note: Vox admits to having received 9. It takes hoaxes as facts, disinformation as reality. It adopts the position Jugar maquinas tragamonedas gratis sin registrarse the right and far right.
It is true that the Spanish for i would like central government in Spain is based on a coalition of parties, sometimes unstable. But in Europe this is becoming more and more common.
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It does not diminish a country's democracy if it is based on a coalition government. Very dominant governments can sometimes tend dangerously towards autocratic measures.

Democracy is therefore very ii based on balance and criticism. Even if it were to join forces with a far-right party with Francoist overtones —the Vox party— it cannot achieve an alternative parliamentary majority to carry out a vote of no confidence in the current government. But it is close, and this luke it to pursue a dog-faced opposition policy, constantly attacking, always Play slot for fun no money against it even when it could favour itand constantly creating hoaxes.
It is a conservative opposition with alliances with the Spanisu Spanish for i would like but not very Spanish for i would like. The reality of the country is that the economy is doing very well. Moreover, peripheral nationalism Catalan and Basque is much calmer. They are still there, and will continue to be, but at least they negotiate, appear in Congress, and present Betway cuenta bloqueada demands.
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