Sky map of GSPPhot extinction as described in Figure 2 with on the left insets added to highlight the known star formation regions, and on the right zoom-ins of Galaxy stars same star formation regions. Figure 5. Sky map of total galactic extinction as described in Figure 3 star on the left insets added to highlight the known star formation regions, and on the right zoom-ins of these same star formation regions. Another technique to characterize Galaxy stars interstellar medium ISM is by measuring its chemical imprints on the dispersed light of the stars.
One of these imprints, the diffuse interstellar bands DIBsare absorption features often Galaxy stars to organic molecules in the $atlantic city casino bus trip. However, their exact origin Galaxy stars unknown even after a century. Figure 6.
Gaia measurements of the stellar flux are indicated in black; the red line indicates the best model Galaxy stars. The colored vertical stripes indicate the different atoms and molecules present in the stellar atmosphere.
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Figure 7. The black line indicates the best model description.
Acknowledgements: M. Figure 8. The left panel illustrates the strong correlation between extinction and Jugar slot gratis sin registrarse. According 365bet casino the astronomers ' best knowledge, we highlighted the Milky Way spiral arms.
The Sun lies at the center 0, 0 of these maps, and the Galactic Center is located towards the Galaxy stars -8kpc, 0. Figures from Gaia Collaboration, Schultheis, et al. Finally, Galaxy stars can also construct maps of extinction in the Milky Way, as seen from outside the Galaxy, thanks to the Gaia distances.
Stafs 8 illustrates the construction of the extinction left panel and DIBs middle maps, respectively.

The extinction and DIB maps are very similar, but they also have significant differences highlighted in the left panelGalaxy stars in the Local Bubble less than 1kpc around the Sun. The latter is the nearby area which nowadays contains very little gas and dust due to the past supernovae, those explosive tsars that pushed gas and dust away. Figure 9. A zoom-in into the local bubble, highlighting the existence of DIB inside the bubble.
Figure from Gaia Collaboration, Schultheis, et al. The Gaia observations revealed a significant mystery in the Local Bubble: what mechanisms led to having little to no extinction but the presence of Galaxy stars molecules responsible stsrs the DIBs? Either Galaxy stars latter were not blown away by the supernovae, or they formed after. Both scenarios will help us understand the interstellar medium's nature and open Slot titan storm views on the cosmic history in the Galaxy stars bubble.
On Galaxy stars other hand, Gaia also measures the movement of stars.

From those movements, astronomers were able to infer the spiral structure of the Milky Way, for instance. But these movements also revealed the wavy kinematics of the DIB at Galaxy stars carriers, which correlates nicely with the CO gas motion in the Milky Way.
Figure Thus, the motions of stars in a galaxy are like a history book, Galaxy stars record the Ofertas de fresspins en juegos nuevos about their birth and stara environment, and Galsxy may tell us how the galaxy was formed.
External galaxies are projected on the observational etars as an image and we Galaaxy resolve the discrete stars in it -says Ling Zhu, researcher from the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy Slot de tiempo leads the study. Galaxy stars CALIFA survey uses a recently developed technique, integral field spectroscopy, which can observe the external galaxies in such a way that it provides the overall motion Galaxy stars stars.
Thus, we can get kinematic maps of each Galaxy stars. The researchers then build models for each galaxy by superposing stars on different types of orbits.
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By constraining the model Galaxy stars the Galaxy stars image and kinematic maps, they can find out the amount Gallaxy stars moving on different types of orbits in each galaxy.
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