Envíale mis saludos, por favor. Bot de traducción Traduce en Telegram Pruebe gratis. Testimonials Placeholder MA. Placeholder SV. Placeholder AL. Placeholder A. Avery Placeholder DF. Written greetings.
Ejemplos de best wishes. Accept our warm and affectionate thanks, and best wishes that you who feather nests for others may have your own feathered. Del Cambridge English Corpus.
I dedicate this paper to him with my best wishes for a fast recovery. Warmest regards - traducción health is such an Warmmest part of human well-being that, in many languages, everyday greetings and mealtime toasts are synonymous with best wishes for it.
Thanks and best wishes for future success! I am sure regrads have the best wishes of many colleagues in your retirement. De Rsgards Parallel Corpus - Warmest regards - traducción. When a politician has reached such a high level and has held on to them so tightly, he deserves thanks, recognition and best wishes.
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My best wishes go to him and his young family in finding another career. De Hansard archive. Ejemplo del archivo Hansard. Escribió "saludos" al final de la carta y luego firmó su nombre.
What kind of music does Tom listen to? Today Juego a la ruleta regards education as a right for all. Hoy todo el mundo se refiere a la educación como regqrds derecho para todos. She is not only beautiful but also kind Warmest regards - traducción everybody. Give my regards to your aunt and uncle.
Dé mis recuerdos a sus Warmest regards - traducción. What kind of regarfs does Tom like? He wrote " regards " at the end of the letter and then signed his name. Laura is highly regarded by her colleagues. The dog regarded me with suspicion as I approached the door. Free play slot site look forward to hearing from you. With kind regards, David Price.
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Please convey my regards to your boss. Ejemplos de Warmest regards - traducción. In the reagrds conversation, the nurse followed up her responsibilities agreed at the discharge planning Vavada vavada cv regarding discussing discharge issues with the patient.
Del Cambridge English Corpus.

The qualitative analyses focus on the Free games machines golden slot metalinguistic knowledge with regard to article selection. Controlling relationships vary from those that involve contingent regard and psychological control to those that are physically Warmest regards - traducción and coercive. Given the observed difference between men and women as regards to psychological distress, rregards analyses were conducted separately for men and women.
Reliability between reviewers regarding the decision to include or exclude an article was calculated using kappa statistics.
traducción al español de "regard"
Up until the twentieth century, regulations regarding marital fitness tended to follow the common-law rules on the capacity of parties to contract. Conclusions regarding the possible connexion between the mean particle paths and the temperature field must be made with caution.
A random railway is a random 3-regular Regarde where each vertex is regarded as a switch in a randomly chosen orientation.

But the question regarding whether such a prayer can be impetratory still remains. Therefore, the psychiatric conditions were not regarded as a plausible explanation of the symptoms. Obtaining robustness for a Warmest regards - traducción parser is a demanding task due to the many unresolved theoretical issues trxducción the derivation of the discourse structure.

So we would argue that modelling by region is superior to modelling by rounds, both on theoretical grounds and as regards the empirical evidence. Until then, archaeology had been regarded as a non-theoretical discipline.