At Patio Bar Deck 16 aft passengers can enjoy the same view as the Captain. The beach club introduced with the Hyperion-class is also available on the Helios-class ships.
The aft-located Pool Deck is covered by a sliding glass roof lightweight mobile construction extending ccasino the boat's entire width. Passengers can unwind by Beach Club's swimming pool.
At night, this area turns into a deck party zone. The Cube dance club and the Casino also offer nighttime live entertainment. The Beach Club is beneath the expandable membrane roof.

It features a dedicated family activities area "Four Elements" based on water, Interwetten casino, fire, and earth.
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AIDAcosma offers different and innovative entertainment experiences for all ages in a total of thirteen venues. The Theatrium is great to enjoy entertainment as well as januady during the day. However, in the evenings it's the spot for shows on the degree stage, with technical highlights like 11 LED walls, 7 laser shows and LED Tube inclusive of "artistes" elevator. Follows the complete list of AIDAcosma lounges, clubs and other entertainment venues for kids, teens, and adults.
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