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Viewfinder information can be cancelled by turning off the viewfinder display switch. Eyepiece Shutter: Built-in. Keeps out extraneous light during self-timer Flash line multi slot remote control operation. Mirror: Flasg type with shock-absorbing mechanism No image cut-off in the viewfinder even with the FD mm telephoto.
AE Mechanism: Electronically controlled. Light reaches the silicon Flash line multi slot after passing through a Fresnel lens condenser. With lock. In the programmed AE mode, meter coupling range depends on the programmed multl speed and aperture combinations.
Exposure Memory: EV is stored and locked Slots que ofrecen premios emocionantes the exposure memory switch is pressed. Exposure Preview: Viewfinder digital readout activated by pressing the shutter button halfway, or by pressing the exposure preview switch or Foash exposure memory switch.
Stop-down Lever: Operates when pushed in. Stopping-down an FD lens is possible Flash line multi slot when the aperture ring is disengaged from the "A" mark.

Aperture manually controlled with aperture ring, shutter speed with AT dial. Shutter: Cloth focal plane shutter with four spindles. Electronically controlled, stepless, from 30 sec. Shock and noise damper mechanisms are incorporated.