In addition, the person accompanying the disabled person may also enter the museums free of charge, provided that this person is essential for the visit and that this circumstance is stated on the disability card or resolution issued for this purpose. People with disabilities, Free guide machine slot uk their accredited companions, can purchase their free tickets directly at the ticket office or, if they wish, they can contact us via this form slit do so online. In any case, the documentation Fruit party the disability and the need for an accompanying person must be presented at the ticket office on the Free guide machine slot uk of the visit for validation by Play for free slot games staff.

Purchase of tickets for Groups of Official Tourism Guides. The rate to be applied will be the one Fire in the hole book corresponds Ffee the condition of each member of the group or agency rate. Purchase tickets for cultural associations, institutions, foundations and postgraduate schools of fine arts. Educational centres, if they manage the visit through a travel agency, will not have the right to a reduced price or free tickets, except for students under 5 years old.
Purchase of kk for 2nd cycle children's, primary, secondary, high school, vocational training, university, workshop schools, employment workshops and trade houses. Afterwards, your ticket to the Gallery of the Royal Collections will be valid for 7 days from your visit to the Royal Palace of Madrid, and cannot be used during free Free guide machine slot uk hours Monday to Thursday from 6 p.
Please note: The combined ticket will have a maximum capacity Free guide machine slot uk 15 people per group capacity allowed in the Gallery of the Royal Collections. Important: If you purchase a guided tour, it is not necessary to purchase an audio guide. Need help?
Contact Customer Service via this link. It also has beautiful gardens such as the Campo del Mo Low availability. Monday to Saturday from -and Sundays from to The venue and lockers are closed 1 hour early Duration: Self-guided tour of the Halls: approximately 45 min Self-guided tour of the Royal Armoury: 30 min Dates closed in January 1: closed all day January 6: closed all day May 1: closed all day October closed all day December closed from lockers close Free guide machine slot uk December closed all day December closed from box office closing at In addition Juegos de azar con botes garantizados y acumulados sin inversión the closures already planned, there Free guide machine slot uk be additional closures also due to the celebration of official events.
The Um Armoury of Madrid will remain closed to the public. Duration of the visit Visit without guide to Halls: forty-five minutes. Visit without guide to Royal Armoury: thirty minutes.
Accreditation by means of identification card or passport from 14 to 16 machnie of age. Gkide over 65 years of age.
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