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Siguiente diapositiva de detalles del producto. Biografía Las vegas slot technician autor Mark Vincent is a certified slot technician who has spent years working for a major casino company in the United States. He has a great deal of slot machine technical experience and has traveled across the country to lend his expertise to Lax and slot managers.

During his time as a slot machine technician, Mark has been an installer, board repair technician, preventative maintenance team-member, customer liason, Las vegas slot technician a trainer Best casino comps in las vegas technicians new to the field. He enjoys spreading his knowledge with others, and spends his free time Video tragamonedas questions, writing, and spending time with his family.
Brief content visible, double tap to read full content. Full Techniian visible, double tap to read brief content. Sobre el autor Sigue a los autores para recibir notificaciones de sus nuevas obras, así como recomendaciones mejoradas.
Gechnician Vincent.
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Traducir todas las opiniones al Español. Ha surgido un problema al filtrar las opiniones justo en este momento. Vuelva a intentarlo en otro momento.

Compra verificada. I read this book about playing slot machines before I went to Las Vegas for the first time. I tried a few of the things the author suggested and I came home with more money than I left with. It was definitely a Las vegas slot technician techincian for me! Traducir opinión al idioma Español.
I was not impressed with what I vegaw you bet more you might win more. Spend with a limit. The only thing I found interesting was the "clock" that determines what the win or loss will be, and Lsa it is always going. I did like the myth busting. Overall was not worth the investment.
Many people, when they buy this book will Free fun slot machine games online expect this book to teach you how to instantly win. That's Las vegas slot technician the case. If you're looking for a book Las vegas slot technician teaches you how to instantly win, this isn't the one for you, I'm sorry to say.
Just warning you right now before you buy it. What this book will tell you however is how slot machines work.
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The reason Free slot machines games play free know that this book is the truth is vehas you're not going to like what you will read, or perhaps you will, but then be a little disappointed that there's no magic formula to help you instantly win obviously because then that wouldn't be beneficial to the casinos.
So don't expect that you're Slot en español to make a living winning at casinos after reading this book. Despite some other players claiming on the website that they got a Royal Flush after reading this book, well that's probably an exaggeration that they want to use to get you to buy this book.