Dizionario della Lingua Italiana. Thompson, W. Gambling in America. An Encyclopedia of History, Issues and Society. Second Edition. Winter-Froemel, E. Proposing a pragmatic distinction for lexical Anglicisms. Zingarelli, N. Lo Zingarelli Vocabolario della lingua italiana. Bologna: Zanichelli. Policy on discriminatory conduct and on sex, gender and equity in research. The late s, when technology allowed poker to go online, marked the tournamnet of a mass phenomenon attracting millions of players anywhere Internet connections were available.
Interest in Tragamonedas con jackpot fijo game and the potential for Las vegas slot tournament schedule 2012 wins at the World Series of Poker in Las Vegas and other tournaments have resulted in the birth Cripto casinos communities of professionals and amateur players with their own specialised language.
A small corpus of Anglicisms has been collected from Italian dictionaries and official regulations. Although only few English poker terms are registered in Italian dictionaries, their number is much higher in official regulations, where they are sometimes accompanied by Italian translation equivalents, but more often used in their original or derived forms.
Such difference indicates Sugar storm the influence of English in this specialised area of vocabulary is rapidly growing, with terms and toutnament being assimilated as part of the jargon of poker circles and regular players. Arnold, P. The Encyclopedia of Gambling. Secaucus: Chartwell Books. Furiassi, C. False Anglicisms in Italian.
Monza: Polimetrica. Winford, D. An Introduction to Las vegas slot tournament schedule 2012 Linguistics.

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I will try to explain briefly how the Spanish legislation on the game has evolved. After the death of Franco and the arrival Free games online slot machine democracy in 20122, a necessary law vehas gambling was established in It established the types of games that were allowed to develop and a a tax rate applicable to the companies tounament offered these games.
In its origin, the only tax rules that existed, were focused on 3 points:. The only reform in this matter, introduced by the gambling vetas, has been to allow players to deduct from their slof the losses they had in the game in the same fiscal year with the limit of the profits obtained in the same period.
For example, If you win in december in Prague k and you loose during next year the k, you are fucked, you Bypassed traduccion have to pay for that k. Why was this reform introduced? Las vegas slot tournament schedule 2012 the arrival of the online betting and gambling to Spain, and with the intention of collecting the players net earnings, what they had really won.
Scuedule is possible in the online world because control mechanisms are possible. Then the Spanish tax agency realized that there were people who had actually made money playing poker beforeand since they have the power to review the last 4 years of your income tax declaration, they started investigating players who had made money back schevule with no legal possibility of deducting losses.
The tournment to do it was quite curious. They already Free online haywire slot games him caugth. With no deduction posibilities of the losses. And its funny, because Hendon mob, on his page, has the following wording :. Winnings shown may not reflect any deals made between players during the event, vegs those endorsed by the tournament organisers, nor do Las vegas slot tournament schedule 2012 record the effect of any shares, backing or other deals made before the event.
Such arrangements between players and other schddule may substantially alter the sum actually made by schedjle players. Information about total expenditure on tournament entry fees is not normally made available and is not recorded on our tournnament. For these reasons the figures shown for player Las vegas slot tournament schedule 2012 …. Government agencies should note that use of this database for the purposes of collecting information to be used for calculating taxes would not yield accurate results.
At least until me and other players aware them that Las vegas slot tournament schedule 2012 they were doing was ilegal. So what they did then is keep looking in Hendon Mob and Laas telling it to the players. They looked for the info in The Hendon Mob and then, they called the casinos and asked them if they have paid the amount reflected in the web page.
Most casinos did not keep files that reflected the earnings of poker players, only Barcelona and vegass others. There are many players ruined because that. These players are faced with the problem that they can not deduct their Free pci express slot, as is the case, for example, of the famous chess player Francisco Vallejo Ponswho Las vegas slot tournament schedule 2012 been demanded during that he has to pay taxes for profits valued at thousand euros.
He had entered into pokerstars euros and had not withdrawn anything, but the tax agency considered every poker hand he won, as a profit and those he lost, he could not deduct them. Now in online poker everything is controlled and very clear. Earnings minus losses and you get a number and you pay for it. Actually is better than before! Another interesting fact is that you will not pay the same for Ls you earn, it will vary if your income is 10 thousand a year or if you income is 60 thousand, since the money you earn playing, is added as an extra income to your annual income of what you earn in your usual job.
At present, the profits that can be obtained by the players for these activities are taxed in your own income tax through the concept of capital gains. How many noughts in a billion law allows you to deduct your losses, but casinos are not required to give lost certificates in roulette, blackjack or poker, and if there is no certificate, the deduction can not be applied.
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The tax agency do not allow to make deductions without a certificate. Bonificaciones de fin de semana con giros reality is that the old Spanish tax legislation in this matter was contrary to the tax principles of our legal system principle of economic capacitysince vegs player was not taxed for the profit actually obtained.
And after the reform, it was contrary to the constitutional principles, for infringing the principle of effective judicial protection, since the player could not obtain proof of the deductible losses, that if it could be deduced, since the gambling houses did not provide Las vegas slot tournament schedule 2012.
I have a posible a solution to the problem, to tax correctly the earnings and losses in bets and gambling. Player cards are made upon entering the casino. The tournamsnt that is going to be played is transferred into these cards.
When you arrive at the black jack, or poker or roulette table, you take the money out of that card, and when you leave, tournametn enter it back if you have won. Everything perfectly controlled.
But of course, the casinos are opposed slott to this solution because players play a lot of black money that would not be bet if this was Las vegas slot tournament schedule 2012 case. Another way to fix all this will be to allow the creation of poker rooms with an special unique legistation outsite of the gambling catalog.
Tournameent many players do you know who have won a tournament and spent all the money on roulette, or not William hill slot roulette, playing cash? Very many. Since those first tax requirements most of the Spanish casinos keep records of the tournaments results, of the payments they do and of the wire transfer that are made to the players so they can send them to the Spanish authorites if they required them.
In addition, transfers are made directly on an account or with Las vegas slot tournament schedule 2012 checks when paying for the big prizes, not on cash anymore. As I said before, the form of taxation is for the difference between the gains and losses obtained by the player in an annual period, being taxed Las vegas slot tournament schedule 2012 capital gains at the general rate that corresponds to the taxpayer according to the rest of his activities. In no case is the deduction of expenses allowed.
Together with another lawyer Rabbit garden, we have submitted to the tax agency a binding query to authorize the possibility of paying taxes as a professional poker player and thus be able to deduct at least the travel, hotel, and food expenses.
Now, what about the foreign players who play big tournaments in Spain? Depending on which country each player resides in, it is necessary to review the double taxation treaty that country has signed with Spain. In almost everyone says the same. The case that has become famous Bonificaciones por cada apuesta en juegos de casino days is the one of the German player Hossein Ensan.
Items of income of a resident of a Contracting State, wherever arising, Las vegas slot tournament schedule 2012 dealtwith in the foregoing Articles of this Agreement shall be taxable only in that State. What is the letter that Hossein Ensan has received from the Spanish tax agency? There is another tax law in Spain, called Non-Resident Tax. The following are considered income obtained in Spanish Las vegas slot tournament schedule 2012.
This tax is the one that Spain is claiming to Ensan. I personally am ashamed that the tax agency works in this way. We, the players, do not have to pay for the incompetence of the administration that should solve this problem as soon as possible.
If Hossein Ensan has TAXED in his country what his german legislation requires, should not have any problem because international treaties to avoid double taxation are over the tax of non-residents, according to the constitutional principle of normative hierarchy. Meanwhile, we hope the legislator fixes this fudge of taxing twice for the same concept. Spanish professional players have schevule to emigrate to the United Kingdom because there, the players do not pay for the profits of the game, because the betting houses do, which are the ones that always win, Casinobarcelona online they can avoid an incorrect and excessive Spanish gambling taxation.
I Las vegas slot tournament schedule 2012 you already know a document that I love this is the reason why UK poker players do not pay taxes for Lzs poker earnings that can be found on the HMRC website where it exempts betting and gambling from being considered «business».
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The case of Graham v Green [] 9TC concerned a man whose sole means of livelihood came from betting on schdule at starting prices. Rowlatt J Palace dragon at pages and These are mere bets.

Each time he puts on his money, at whatever may be the starting price. I do not think he could be said to organise his effort in the same way as a Telefono playuzu organises his. I do not think the subject matter from his point of view schedkle susceptible of it. In effect all he is doing is just what a man does Las vegas slot tournament schedule 2012 is a skilful player at cards, Casino gambling plays every day.
He plays today and he plays tomorrow and he plays the next day and he is skilful Las vegas slot tournament schedule 2012 each of the three days, more skilful on the whole than the people with whom he plays, and he wins. But I do not think that you can slor, in his case, any conception arising in which his individual operations can be said to be merged in the way that particular operations are merged in the conception of a Sweet bonanza gratis. I think all you can say of that man … is that he is addicted to betting.

It is Las vegas slot tournament schedule 2012 difficult to tournamsnt, but it seems to me that people would say he is addicted to betting, and could not say that his vocation is betting. The subject is involved in great difficulty of language, which I think represents great difficulty of thought. There is no tax on a habit. So now we have a problem. A big problem. The Spanish goverment vdgas not ever Las vegas slot tournament schedule 2012 concerned about gambling and much less by the schdeule, and now that they have realized that they can make money with us, it will rain tax inspections for the profits obtained, Lws in online sports betting remember that most of them, spend the earned money betting on casinos or tojrnament ever, and cannot deduct the losses!
For me, What would be the solution, before the government begins to seize the current accounts and the assets of the players They have already done it in some cases?
I know this is a utopia, especially because the legislator sees xchedule as 2102 ludopaths and it is practically impossible for Jugar ruleta online gratis politician to sit down to talk to us.
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