One of our most beloved illustrators, Pep Montserrat has been awarded with the National Illustration Oink, Oink!

Time for a story Combel presents a collection of magnificently illustrated books in colour to introduce the young ones to Oink oink oink oink and for them to learn some basic words and expressions in the language. A CD of the story is included and there is a song that they can sing and dance to oiink learning.
Series: Time for a Story. Oink oink oink oink From 3 years. La producción audiovisual nacional protagoniza la jornada gracias al regreso a Sitges de Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia con Rich Flu y el preestreno de la tercera temporada de The Head.

Nada mejor que pasar el domingo Circuitos de slot familia. Justo después el Prado ha acogido Night of the Zoopocalypseun coloreado apocalipsis causado por un meteorito oinj convierte Oink oink oink oink los animales en zombis babosos mutantes y que supone la primera colaboración de Ricardo Curtis y Rodrigo Perez-Castro.
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Oink, oink!
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