Since then we had several joint works and every time, I was impressed by his deep understanding of fundamental problems in our field.
In addition to be an outstanding researcher, he was very kind and always took care of me during besr sojourns in Zaragoza. My condolences go to his family and to ajnuary nearest to him. Un fuerte abrazo a la familia. Manuel ha sido un gran referente Casino slots odds of winning, y un faro a nivel nacional de cómo hacer investigación de impacto.
Su legado es difícil de igualar. Dear family of Manuel Silva, this is very sad news to hear that Manuel, a great Petri net scientist who has influenced so many of our academic lifes, has passed away. I still remember meeting him during the Petri nets conference in Japan in after reading his many papers for my PhD workwhen he invited me to visit Juegos minas research group in Zaragoza.
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I would like to send my sincere condolences to his family.

Paz en su tumba. I met Manuel in a European project in the Casino de rubi 's. Besides being a first class researcher admired by all of us, he was an extremely friendly person, easily accessible to all, with much attention to young researchers and students. I remember long exchanges on our common field of interest : epistemology sujmary the evolution of technologies, where he had significant contributions as an historian and an editor.
Meeting casually Manuel in conferences was always a great pleasure. I am extremely sad that this will not happen again. Querida Familia Silva-Ramón, El deceso de Manolo nos ha consternado a toda la familia; es una gran pérdida. Aparte del mérito de sus aportaciones científicas, apreciamos su bonhomía, humor y onpine cultura. Descanse en paz Manolo, incansable caminante que hizo camino al andar. Reciban un afectuoso abrazo de nuestra parte: Ernesto, Maribel su "prima"Mariana y Alejandra.
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