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Have you thought of how many people used money or used their time to get the components of the robots? Do you not care about others that already got it?

You want to just nerf it Play silver sword slot for free the ground so that people who actually Play silver sword slot for free it using their Casino epic and playing a lot wasted all that time? But, i do agree with the trash economy and the useless trident. Same with upgrading, same time needed for upgrade but lowered Ag needed to upgrade Or Producing components would take lowered amount of the current time and also lowered amount of Ag needed to produce the component.
Same with upgrading, time needed for upgrade and Ag needed for upgrade is lowered. To get the prize i think you're supposed to comment on the youtube swkrd. Most of these comments are about stealth and how its way too over-powered. I do agree that stealth mode is quite over-powered but fir making the player able to move their targetting up and down manually so that they can actually hit them in stealth, this method makes it so that flr is still viable but people can still hit them not making it too over-powered.
Redcom hace 6 años Were all the same. Revisar sillver. Redcom hace 6 años I mean. And they can get money Play silver sword slot for free comentarios. Redcom hace 6 años To be honest I dont think anyone cares about that Revisar comentarios. Redcom hace 6 años When will we be able to convert components into other components?