Best online casino icon_coolgif below image is from our QA site. Now the activity icon is Best online casino icon_coolgif big but the activity name is regular size compared to the text in the czsino you shared.
My courses have a similar style as the example you have given and moreover use indentation to convey additional meaning. Our admins have only "simulated" a "Moodle 4"-like-style in our current preversion, but the results are catastrophic. I have been using Moodle since and have produced many! Moodle HQ Aviador juego consider offering configuration options on the level of Vavada ruso course authors.
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I know there are a number of CSS hacks, but they do not help at all if our local Máquinas tragamonedas españolas gratis administrators are not capable enough to use them or simply refuse to use them in order to keep their system "standard" and simple. Not holding my breath here, but really hoping that somebody in power would check larger older courses with the new design and see the implications of their decisions with their own eyes!
Ojline that correct? However from a general GUI-perspective, I still see a potential issue. The main reason being, that a hitherto purely typographical feature has been assigned a specific meaning in newer ico_coolgif of Moodle. There will onlije be projects that will still have their issues with this decision because their current interpretation of indentation does not align with the meaning that future Moodle versions will be imposing. It's nice looking but it takes a lot of space on the screen.
I can't move them left or right to make a structure I Best online casino icon_coolgif before and I'm really frustrated. I'm so sorry to say it but functionality is not there. Why can't I move the icons left and right to make the structure of the topic? Yes, please, let's caeino 'corporate icons' pdf, word, excel Hi there - we really love the new icons in Moodle 4. Great job to everyone involved! We do Best online casino icon_coolgif a major issue now that all of the native built in activities, have this modern and awesome looking icons, that our old icons on external plugins and such, becomes a major eyesore.
I can make all of the icons myself in Illustrator to match the style of the new ones, but how to I install them so they are ucon_coolgif on the activity-chooser?
I honestly hate them. You completely destroyed the display of mime types for files and now all courses are the same boring long list of the identical blue rectangles. And this "feature" was not even advertised, that ok guys, this code piece will be removed. Bring mime type display for files back!! Salta al contenido principal. Buscar Cerrar Buscar. Promedio de valoraciones: Useful 1.
Any thought given to cluster the icons by color depending on what they do? For instance, onllne the same background color for Assignment, Quiz, Lesson, and Workshop might make sense because they kind of require the student to get a score. Best online casino icon_coolgif the Granmadridcasinonline background color for Forum, Chat, Glossary, and Wiki as these Best online casino icon_coolgif loosely allow student communication and input.
Combine the resources to have the same background color as they only present information. Feedback, Choice, and Icon_ciolgif same Best online casino icon_coolgif as well. You get the idea. Color association might clue students into whether the activity is jcon_coolgif for consuming information, communication, or requires the student to submit something for a score. With this type of czsino the icons icon_coolgit the task but the color indicates the type of task being asked of the student.
I absolutely love the new icons and feel they better represent the activity. They look modern and clean. The random colors might further enhance UX if they were designated to help organize the icons into what functions the activities serve. As a student I would know a icon_voolgif icon means I must submit a document or take a quiz or somehow be graded on the item. You get the idea as to how the color could Best online casino icon_coolgif Assignment, Diamond miner, or Quiz.
Green icons might onine resources and consuming Immediate keflex 6000. Red icons mean I can participate in building knowledge in a wiki or glossary or communicating in a forum and chat. Etc Etc. Promedio Best online casino icon_coolgif valoraciones: Useful 4. Promedio de valoraciones:. Totally agree I agree with Chris.

While not fundamental, this would add an extra layer casini information. Also would be the one consistent Best online casino icon_coolgif Atto editor. Good work overall! Workshop is particularly challenging but IMHO it's q quite nice solution. Great job Rafael! I agree with Chris and Hugo regarding the association of colors with the action I see Sitio web oficial de wawada and understand it : Teachers Best online casino icon_coolgif offer Best online casino icon_coolgif content in different formats to facilitate academic accessibility.
Respect choosing colors, we need attend the limitations of users with color blindness. Each person be it teacher or student has their own adaptive strategies and Best online casino icon_coolgif must offer them the widest range of possibilities at the lowest possible cost reasonable adjustments. Alicia I am a teacher and researcher on academic accessibility.
Hello Rafael, The icons you propose are simple, reduced to their minimal form. By the way, it only icon_collgif me a Bono bienvenida leovegas minutes to get similar icons from Google's Material Icons Library: The current icons are the visual expression of Moodle hallmark activities and resources, which icon_coolif seen Bet students except for the Label icon.
Promedio de valoraciones: Useful 3. It would not be difficult to modernize the current icons, for example like these which I made in a few minutes : In fact, with the Beat style currently in fashion, the appearance of product icons and system icons becomes very similar.
Promedio de valoraciones: Useful 2.
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More icons Moodle icons. Moodle icons2. Below I Best online casino icon_coolgif removed the background and enlarged the icons proper to the same omline The result is arguably more easily identifiable icons and it avoids the problem of choosing the color of the backgrounds:. I think caino the first set of icons helps the principle of usability "I see it and I understand Best online casino usa real money. Border colors can set groups by activity or resources.
In this sense, of all Dominique Bauer's proposals, it is the one that best fits the concept of "academic accessibility".
Dominique's icons are far more appealing than the ones Moodle HQ has created. There is little connection between the look of the Moodle 3.
Dominique's icons Best online casino icon_coolgif updated, and also familiar. At the very least, please allow university Moodle Admins to choose their own icons. The background colors don't provide enough differentiation, and having background colors in the first place reduces the size of the meaningful iccon_coolgif portion of each icon. All blue icons look similar, all maroon icons look similar. Please reconsider your icons and give us some choices. Hello, Slightly off topic but related.
If anybody has created or knows of an icon set for this that is completely free i. Then that could also prove a proof of concept here. The concept of noticing is well documented in learning psychology. When it comes to visual perception, noticing is primarily based on shape, not on colour. On this account, shoving all icons into a square-shaped enclosure is Slots que ofrecen grandes aventuras counter-productive: They do in fact all look like buttons as Dominique has already Best online casino icon_coolgif remarkedas buttons too are recognised as such by their shape.

Hence, these Moodle 4. Dominique has already come up with a number of feasible Best online casino icon_coolgif very thoughtfully designed suggestions. I would expect Moodle HQ to make a commitment to implement icons that are identifiable by their shape.
The designs you suggest do indeed Best online casino icon_coolgif like a step into the right direction! Even so, the icons themselves are more a kind of line drawing than typical icon symbols and they are in that regard similar to Rafael's initial design.
Such line drawings are quite sparse and less readily identifiable than a full image that icon_oolgif contains the representation of surfaces.
I Tragamonedas de gemas, though, if your activity icons could be developed onlije by making them more solid, i. Or could these very basic designs Dominique provided do the trick, if you were to stick them into icon_coolgiv delicate-shade colour backgrounds?
I personally like your idea of giving the background a round shape. Even so, you might also make it e. In my opinion, this is actually the most important improvement in you design: keeping the background in the background while still retaining the colour-coding idea. Hi Martin! I am sorry I caused a little confusion. I was Best online casino icon_coolgif sharing their prototype Juegos penalti. Indeed, Martin!
I too am so grateful to Sabina, Marie, and many others Best online casino icon_coolgif Moodle HQ for addressing concerns and making so many onlinf and planning many more in the coming months!!!
Hi everyone, I'm sharing this Tonybet opiniones here because I believe many of you who have actively contributed to the discussion about activity icons would be interested in helping us to enhance the current experience of the activity chooser. The session will be an online test of minutes maximum, and will consist of some general tasks and questions, and exploration of two different icon_coolgir options.
Feedback icon_ocolgif our Community members and active users would cssino extremely iccon_coolgif to this project, so we hope we can count on your participation. If you or someone you know would be interested in participating, please send them the below link so they can perform the testing exercise. Hello Nathan, Thanks. I also find that my Tragaperras de bar gratis are much prettier.
BBest everyone's tastes are different. It seems like people either Best online casino icon_coolgif the new icons or hate Best online casino icon_coolgif. Iconcoolgif too bad for those who don't like them, they have no choice. One day Moodle might improve the icons again, going back to Best online casino icon_coolgif old ones, who knows.
As icons, they look great and feel more modern. For my use case, though, I don't know. So with that info, we went to icon_coollgif monochrome look with font-awesome icons to de-emphasize their importance on the main course page and worked with faculty to provide context with their activity titles.
That said, I think some of the examples that have been shared show the activity type named alongside the icon which may help make the icons more meaningful.
On the color-coding suggestion: One of my colleagues has suggested it might Bonificaciones por cada apuesta realizada en tragamonedas progresivas nice to identify, at a glance, which activities can be graded or not graded, so that may be another categorization to consider.
We Best online casino icon_coolgif a workaround for this in the activity chooser by changing the language string for the "recommended" activities" to "gradable" and then 'recommending' the gradabale activities. What activities would you highlight or mark as graded? I would include Forum and H5P.
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